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The Basic course in Occupational Safety and Health

With the basic occupational health and safety course, you will easily learn all the statutory issues related to occupational health and safety in one package.

Buy now - get competence right away

Elearning is the easiest and fastest way to get competence. You can perform the course right after the purchase or send a link to someone else to perform the course.

Training includes
  • All statutory issues related to occupational safety and health in one package.

  • Great basic training for all responsible of occupational safety and health

  • Visualised to enhance learning

  • The performance is immediately visible on the MyCertificate app

  • Complete the course at your own pace

  • 100% satisfaction guarantee

Available languages
  • Finnish


You can choose the language when starting the elearning.
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The Basic course in Occupational Safety and Health

419 € (+VAT)
100% Recommends
The training has 100% money back guarantee.
Read more about the satisfaction guarantee

What is occupational safety and health?

Occupational safety and safety is a statutory activity that provides a safe and healthy work environment for employees. Occupational health and safety aim to prevent, reduce and eliminate accidents at work and working conditions, occupational diseases and physical and mental stress harmful to health. Occupational safety and health activities are part of workplace development and continuous improvement. Activities ensure the quality of working life and the working environment, which affects the employee's ability to cope with his or her duties.

What is the basic course in occupational safety and health?

In the basic course in occupational safety and health, the roles and responsibilities of an occupational safety and health organisation become familiar. You will easily learn the basics of occupational safety and health, its structure and all statutory issues related to occupational safety and health in one package.

Who benefits from the basic course in occupational safety and health?

The basic course in occupational safety and health is excellent basic training for occupational safety and health responsibilities for all supervisors responsible for occupational safety and health, and especially for occupational safety and health managers and occupational safety and health officers.

How can I complete the basic course in occupational safety and health?

You can easily take the Basic Course in Occupational Safety and Health online. The online training includes intermediate tests as well as a final test with which learning can be verified.

The elearning is individual work and corresponds in scope to a two-day basic occupational health and safety course. The training can be done on a tablet or computer. You do not need a microphone or camera for the online course.


If you are not yet familiar with occupational safety issues, we recommend the Occupational Safety Certificate before taking this course as it gives you a good basic understanding of occupational safety. The Occupational Safety Certificate can also be taken independently online as an elearning.

What does the basic course in Occupational Safety and Health include?

The basic course in occupational safety and health deals with the basics, objectives and key legislation of occupational safety and health. Besides, the content of the occupational health and safety action plan, co-operation with the occupational health care and occupational health and safety authority, and the basics of hazard identification and assessment are examined.

We have built this training into the most comprehensive package possible to cover the need to familiarise the occupational health and safety manager and to give him or her good skills to perform his or her duties.

Before completing this training, we recommend attending the Occupational Safety Certificate elearning, which provides a good foundation for occupational safety issues.

The basic course on occupational safety and health covers all the key legislation on occupational safety and health in the same package.

The organization and roles of occupational safety and health have been carefully reviewed so that everyone knows their area of responsibility.

The elearning is illustrated and very visual to keep the course interesting and easy to understand.

After each section of the course, there is an intermediate test to ensure learning. If you do not pass the intermediate test, the course will direct you to go through the section again.

After the basic course in occupational safety and health, you have received the required basic theoretical familiarization by laws, regulations and standards and know all the key issues related to occupational safety and health.

After the approved final test, you will immediately receive a downloadable course certificate and an Occupational Safety and Health Basic Course Card, which is valid for five years. Certificate and card are included in the course price. We will mail the card to the address you provided within 2-3 weeks. You can prove your qualifications immediately with a mobile card. The average duration of online training is 3 hours. You can complete the training either all at once or in parts.

Course program

The course consists of the following different aspects of occupational health and safety:

  • Criteria and objectives of occupational safety and health

  • Key legislation on occupational safety and health

  • Roles and responsibilities of the occupational safety and health organization

  • Risk management

  • Safety management and safety culture

  • Action in the event of an accident or incident

  • Occupational health and safety action plan

  • Orientation and work guidance

  • Workplace protection

  • Well-being at work

  • Final test

Training objectives

The training aims to learn the measures prescribed in the Occupational Safety and Health Supervision Act on co-operation between employees and the employer, as well as the key requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

The Basic course inOccupational Safety and Health final test

There is a final test at the end of the elearning. The test consists of 8 questions and an approved performance requires 80% correct answers. The test is not limited in time, so you can think about the answers in peace. If you do not pass the final test, you will be able to retake the exam twice free of charge. After the approved performance, you will immediately receive a downloadable pdf course certificate. The performance is also immediately visible on the mobile card. The card will be mailed to your home in about 2-3 weeks.

Why should I choose Kiwa Inspecta's e-learning?

Kiwa Inspecta is Finland's largest organiser of safety training. We train more than 30,000 people every year and are one of the longest-running providers of the HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) short courses in the industry. We also offer our most popular e-learnings in English.

Our e-learnings are based on the expertise of the best professionals in the industry as well as up-to-date legislation and regulations. We want to keep things easily approachable, which is why our training is visual and illustrated with easy-to-understand practical examples.

We ensure learning through intermediate assignments and a final test so you can be sure of what your staff has learned.

Benefits of e-learning

E-learning brings efficiency to training, as it can be done online anywhere, anytime, according to your own schedule. E-learning is also easy to attend in the workplace during quiet moments between other tasks. There will be a lot of time savings when you do not have to travel to the training place separately. Online training can also be completed almost half the time you spend sitting in class. The content of our online training is based on the expertise of professionals in the field as well as safety legislation and guidelines. To keep things easy to adopt and practical, our training includes real-life examples and is very visual. In Kiwa Inspecta's e-learning, high quality is a standard, and you always know what your staff has learned. We ensure learning through intermediate assignments and a final test.

Cost savings - the company saves on the time spent by supervisors, travel expenses, daily allowances, lunch expenses and the organisation of a training event.

Efficiency - training can be completed while other tasks or during quiet working days without the need to travel to the training site.

Easy - you can start online training right away.

Assured quality - the quality level of standardised online training does not vary. In online training, you know exactly what your staff has learned.

Assured Competence - Each person’s competency is tested through intermediate assignments and a final test and recorded in the competence register, so they are sure to be proficient in training matters.

Flexibility - elearning can be paused and resumed from where you left off. The training can be completed in several sections, keeping the concentration high.

Do your company's employees complete a total of more than 10 qualifications each year?

If your company has multiple employees who need qualifications in their work, we recommend you to try our Competence Manager. With the Competence Manager, you can manage your employees' qualifications easily and efficiently, and your employees can complete e-learnings at the touch of a link.

Prove your qualifications as soon as you complete the course with the MyCertificate app

You can prove your qualifications with our MyCertificate app. The performances will appear there immediately, so you can prove your eligibility before the physical card arrives. On the app, you can see all your qualification performance, regardless of the course format. You can manage your competency information and permit companies to view your qualifications.

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee for our e-learnings

Our elearnings have been developed in cooperation with Finland's leading companies and utilising experts in the field. In cooperation, the content of elearnings is built to meet the requirements of companies and legislation. They are also pedagogically effective. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee for our elearnings.

Reviews (22)

All reviews are from verified participants.
  • Ari


    Mielenkiintoinen kurssi. Joka tuo lisää tietoa työskentelyyn työsuojeluvaltuutettuna

  • Toni


    välikokeiden "järjestä oikeaan järjestykseen" tehtävät voisi olla selkeämpiä kuten esimerkiksi riskin suuruus ja riskin merkitys meni helposti sekaisin

  • Antti


    Työsuojeluhenkilöiden vaaliasiaa käsiteltiin turhan paljon.

  • Jaanus


    Kiitos, oli todella hyvää kurssi.

  • Tanel


    Hyva kurssi! Kiitos!

  • Eero


    Kiitos hyvästä kurssista. Materiaali oli selkeästi ymmärrettävissä ja mukavasti toteutettu

  • Merja


    Harjoitus ja koetehtävässä voisi antaa ohjeistusta etukäteen, että vastauksissa voi olla useampi oikea vaihtoehto tai että vastausvaihtoehdoissa ei välttämättä ole yhtään oikeaa vaihtoehtoa.

  • Janne


    Materiaali olisi erittäin hyvä kun saisi käyttöön. Tulee niin paljon uutta asiaa ja kun näitä toteuttaa ei mitenkään muista kaikkea sekä hyviä vinkkejä materiaalissa.

  • Roope


    Mukava tapa hoitaa koulutus jossa ei tarvita suoranaista fyysistä paikalla olemista! Kiitos ja hyvät vkloput!

  • Esa


    Kurssin verkkototeutus on pääasiassa hyvä. Lukijan monotonisuus hieman häritsee sekä esityksen varsin pelkistetty ulkoasu puuduttaa. Voisi miettiä liikkuvaa kuvaa / animaatioita sekä jonkinlaista interaktiivisuutta kurssilaisen sekä kurssin välillä. Välitestit pitävät virkeänä, mikä on hyvä. Kokonaisuutena toimiva paketti.

  • Sakari


    Oma työpaikkani on pieni sosiaali ja terveydenhuoltoalan yksikkö, joten meillä aika vähän käytössä työkoneita. Osa koulutuksesta oli enemmän teollisuuteen kohdentuvaa asiaa.

  • jyri


    kohdassa mittarit olen itse tottunut näkemään laskentamallissa määreen TRIF kyseiselle kaavalle LTI:n olen yleensä kokenut huomioivan vakavuutta päivissä...

  • Heidi


    Koulutus oli mielestäni selkeä ja hyvä

  • Tuula


    Hyvä kurssi. Kiitos!

  • Hanna-Leena


    olisi hyvä, jos kertaamaan pääsisi jotain tiettyä täsmennettyä kohtaa. Itse tulkitsin, että jos haluaisin kerrata jotain, tulisi kerrata joko koko koulutus tai stten koko osio. Ei päässyt valtisemaan jotain tiettyä diaa, jonka olisi halunut katsoa uudelleen. Lisäksi olisi kiva saada jonkinlainen aineisto itselle koulutuksesta :)

  • Matti


    On mukava, ettei kyse ollut pelkästään luentodioista, vaan mukana oli myös ihmisääni.Olisin kaivannut vähän enemmän vaihtelevuutta ja tietotekniikan hyödyntämistä, nyt materiaali oli aika tasapaksua. Pääosin kuitenkin positiivinen kokemus. :)

  • Emmi


    Kurssi toimi hyvin jouhevasti ja oli miellyttävä suorittaa töiden ohessa.

  • Aki


    Selkeä opetusmateriaali.

  • Marinos


    Hei, minun mielestä jos jokaisessa osiossa näkyisi % luku suoritetusta jaksosta voi piristää vähän opiskelun :)

  • Tony


    Selkeä ja hyvin toteutettu kurssi. Vaikka itse pidän enemmän "lähiopetuksesta". Välikokeet hyvä juttu, koska muuten keskittyminen voisi helposti herpaantua.

  • kimmo


    hyvä kurssi. kaaviot vähän epäselviä

  • Sari


    2-kohdassa puhuttiin STM:n työsuojeluosastosta, joka on nykyään työ- ja tasa-arvo-osasto :)

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Basic course in Occupational Safety and Health

419 € (+VAT)