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About Us

GetCompetence by Kiwa Inspecta

Kiwa Inspecta is the leading expert in safety, quality, and reliability in the Nordic countries. We test, inspect, certify and provide consulting and training services with more than 5,000 employees.

We are also Finland's largest and most experienced organizer of safety training. We train more than 30,000 people every year. We offer all HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) short courses from the same place, and we are one of the longest-running short course companies in the industry. Our organization is approved by Trafi, which enables us to implement the training as professional qualification training.

Our training serves international companies, and in addition to Finland, we have implemented numerous training, e.g. In Sweden, Norway, Latvia, and Russia. We can train in Finnish, Swedish, English, and Russian. Our most popular online training is also available in English.

Our goal is to create quality, trust, and progress for our customers, their customers, and other stakeholders. We are a reliable and committed partner, and our honor is a long and successful customer relationship. We genuinely care and help our customers to their destination. We develop services together with our customers by utilizing digitalization, the latest innovations, and cooperating within the company across business boundaries.

From us, you get all the safety training and competency management under one roof. By concentrating training with us, you ensure that your employees receive quality and reliable training where learning is ensured. Besides, you can be sure that all the qualifications records of your employees are in one place. Learn how we can make it easier to manage qualifications in your company.